As college students, we are always on the go. Whether we are rushing to the lecture hall for an 8 am class or out with friends after a tiring week, we are always busy. Through the constant day-to-day hassles and the laundry list of tasks, we often lose sight of what is important for our well-being. As we try to make up for it with a speedy solution, I have an easy and free answer to your worries: EXERCISE!
Look no further for the modern fountain of youth, exercise has got you covered! Regular physical activity offers plentiful benefits, including

controlling weight gain,
increasing “good” cholesterol (HDL)
decreasing the amount of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) in your body,
improving cognitive functioning,
boosting your immune system,
decreasing your risk for conditions, such as metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, anxiety, depression, stroke, arthritis, multiple types of cancers, and falls.
In fact, sufficient physical activity has the ability to prevent 1 of every 10 premature deaths. Exercise leads to the release of endorphins, increasing your mood, and even boosting your self-esteem! Regular physical activity not only strengthens your muscles, your endurance increases as well, allowing you to effortlessly race to your 8 am after pressing snooze one too many times. The benefits of exercises are not only offered during waking hours; regular physical activity allows individuals to fall asleep faster, and even have a deeper and more restful sleep.
Although the benefits of physical activity are bountiful, the CDC states that merely one-half of adults living in the U.S. exercise enough in order to prevent and reduce chronic diseases. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous physical activity for adults. As our lifestyles have been turned upside-down with the effects of COVID-19, sufficient exercise is crucial. As we sit for hours at the computer and stock our dorms with unhealthy snacks, exercise is a vital aspect of our physical and mental wellbeing. Whether you are walking or running around the BU brain with suitemates, participating in workout videos from your apartment, trying to beat your previous time running through the nature preserve, playing a game of tennis, or even lugging your laundry up and down the dorm stairs you are earning the benefits of exercise.

The CDC notes that facemasks should not be worn in activities where they may get wet, such as swimming, but participants must remain distanced from others. The Binghamton Student Quick Reference Guide adds that while playing sports or exercising outside people must obey social distancing, but masks are optional given the intended activity. But checking the most up-to-date information is vital. Through strict social distancing rules in order to keep you and the community at their best, the East Gym has reopened for students offering a limited amount of recreational activities. Whether you are currently on campus or at home, get UP, and get MOVING! Unlock the benefits of exercise today for a better future!
Extra Resources for Binghamton Students:

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Emily Granickas
Emily is a sophomore Integrative Neuroscience major and joined REACH to help alter misconceptions and erase stigmas regarding sexual health. She is an avid sweet tooth, who is passionate about cupcakes and all things chocolate.